An Italian pharmaceutical company which provides asthma inhalers has said it ‘cannot guarantee uninterrupted supply’ of one of its corticosteroid products over the next month.
Chiesi said delays in the supply of materials for its Clenil Modulite 100mcg pressurised metered dose inhalers were behind the problems.
In a statement released today on the impact of coronavirus on its operations, the company said none of its other inhalers are currently affected by material supply problems and it is taking ‘all possible actions to ensure the continued supply of all other Chiesi medicines’.
However, it noted the current ‘significant demand’ in the UK for all Chiesi respiratory products.
It said this was leading to wholesalers becoming out of stock ‘for many lines in many of their depots whilst they are waiting for replenishment of their stocks from Chiesi’.
Some of the company's manufacturing takes place in Italy, but Chiesi said the country's Government was allowing pharmaceutical companies and suppliers to continue their work, which 'has allowed our operations to continue as usual'.
As an alternative to using Clenil Modulite 100mcg, the company said its 50mcg or 200mcg versions are available and may be used if clinically appropriate.
But it highlighted the 200mcg strength is not licensed for use in children and urged healthcare professionals to consult the British National Formulary for licensed indications and dosage requirements prior to prescribing.
The company called on healthcare professionals to write monthly repeat prescriptions, instead of those lasting several months ‘until the acute pressures begin to ease’.
The statement said: ‘At present in the UK there is significant demand in the supply chain for all Chiesi respiratory products and this is leading to our wholesaler partners suffering from out of stock situations for many lines in many of their depots whilst they are waiting for replenishment of their stocks from Chiesi.
‘As a consequence, we are receiving many queries from customers regarding our stock and supply situation.
‘At this point in time our only supply issue is with Clenil™ Modulite™ 100mcg pressurised metered dose inhalers and as a result of a delay in material supply, we cannot guarantee an uninterrupted supply of this product over the next month.'
It added: ‘Currently this is the only Chiesi product affected by this situation and we are taking all possible actions to ensure the continued supply of all other Chiesi medicines.’
This news comes after UK pharmacy wholesalers reportedly ran out of paracetamol and ibuprofen at the start of the month, due to soaring sales in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.
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