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clinical knowledge
'Appropriately regulate' online pharmacies, urges PDA manifesto ... ghlighted the need to ‘ensure the appropriate care is delivered at the right time and place by an appropriately trained healthcare professional’. It asked the government to ‘recognise pharmacists' clinical knowledge and expertise in medicines’ by drawing on pharmacists’ unique clinical skills to: Deliver acute care; Support people living with long-term conditions; Provide advice and treatment for comm ... Date: 18-06-2024 Categories: • Community • In Practice • News
Prospect of further contract delays ‘deeply concerning’ amid general election ... ed by general practice and community pharmacy sectors who hold contracts with the government, to ensure that 'all practice environments are properly resourced and appropriately recognise pharmacists’ clinical knowledge and expertise in medicines'. Date: 23-05-2024 Categories: • Community • News
‘The devil’s in the detail’: What will England’s national Pharmacy First service mean locally? ... nical services supported by independent prescribing. Ms Goodberry Kenneally agrees that it’s a ‘really positive’ step. ‘It gives pharmacists a lot of clinical skills and opportunities to use their clinical knowledge for the benefit of the patients. We do see it as complementing the other services rather than replacing,’ she says. Date: 23-05-2023 Categories: • Analysis • News
Pharmacist in practice: Sharing your struggles opens up a conversation ... t is for pharmacists to go 10 hours without sitting, to eat lunch at the checking bench. Often because we're so accessible, it means that we're so busy. It's not that pharmacists don't have the clinical knowledge. They absolutely do. Community pharmacists absolutely have the knowledge and the clinical experience to be able to prescribe in certain circumstances. But in order to do this safely and effectively, ... Date: 17-05-2023 Categories: • In Practice • Interviews • News
Clinical in pharmacy: In airport pharmacy the day can start early at 4am! ... rsation with: ‘I was speaking to the pharmacist in my GP surgery’. I think this is an amazing development and would like to see a pharmacist on the permanent staff of every surgery. Not only is their clinical knowledge invaluable, but they have an in-depth knowledge of formularies and potential savings that could be made, that can then passed on through other services. We have made tremendous strides in recent y ... Date: 06-04-2023 Categories: • Community • Views
Government rejects menopause proposals but says HRT prepayment certificate will go ahead ... hould ensure that at least one member of their clinical staff ‘has received specific training around menopause.’ But yesterday the government responded: ‘GPs are responsible for ensuring their own clinical knowledge remains up-to-date and for identifying learning needs as part of their continuing professional development. Menopause care is a core competency of all qualified GPs. ‘The Royal College of General ... Date: 25-01-2023 Categories: • News • Women's health
Clinical services could help community pharmacies survive, says first NAPC pharmacist president ... your capability, in your brain and in your knowledge is always going be more valuable than sticking pills in the box,’ he said. He added that with advances in dispensing technology, a pharmacist’s clinical knowledge was more likely to attract investment in the form of NHS commissioned services. ‘From a commissioning perspective, from a government perspective, why would I pay you X to do this when I can pay Am ... Date: 14-10-2022 Categories: • News
Leading pharmacists say DHSC plan ‘won’t work without us’ ... said that making use of ‘all our health professions’ was crucial in tackling the NHS backlog. ‘Pharmacists are the experts in medicines and it’s great to see plans to make the most of pharmacists’ clinical knowledge to improve access to contraception’, she said. ‘However, like the rest of the NHS, pharmacists are under significant pressure and need to be properly resourced to carry out these additional servic ... Date: 22-09-2022 Categories: • News
Clinical skills training programme announced for community pharmacists ... rm at Health Education England said that the training programme will provide 'enhanced clinical services' for pharmacists as patients and other health professionals become increasingly reliant on the clinical knowledge and skills of the pharmacy profession. 'The expansion of clinical skills training to community pharmacists will enable the transformation of the pharmacy workforce to support pharmacists to delive ... Date: 10-08-2022 Categories: • News
Ayurveda clinic: ‘I offer a natural and holistic approach to symptom management’ Pharmacist Lara Ecroyd talks to Saša Jankovi? about combining clinical knowledge with her work as an Ayurvedic Practitioner to help women with endometriosis. Service type: Ayurveda for pain management Name and location: Lara Ayurveda, Clapham, London Name of ... Date: 14-03-2022 Categories: • Women's health
I made the decision to ‘just’ be a community pharmacist ... harmacy as a ‘default’ career path by peers and sometimes even senior colleagues. That working in community pharmacy is the easy way out: no need to work up the bands; no need to apply those years of clinical knowledge, right? Having to constantly justify my choice, role and expertise have quickly become more common than I thought it would be. Pharmacists are undervalued by the public; the last thing we need wit ... Date: 16-11-2021 Categories: • Opinion • Views
Autism and me: a pharmacist’s personal perspective ... , I am thinking about who I really am and what being autistic means to me. I’m slowly telling more people and talking about strengths and reasonable adjustments. I can see stories in data and process clinical knowledge into actions. I now know that I process written communication better than verbal. I know I need quiet space to work. I wear a sunflower lanyard when visiting busy places. I need to rest after sociali ... Date: 11-11-2021 Categories: • Opinion • Views
Dealing with constipation: a guide for pharmacists ... e first line of treatment often coincides with the prescription of laxatives. However, if these prove ineffective, it is important to swiftly move on to alternative therapies. Drawing on the NICE clinical knowledge Summary, the Bowel Interest Group (BIG) has put together a Bowel Dysfunction Treatment Pyramid which identifies different treatment options when lifestyle changes or laxatives are not working. [3] ... Date: 09-02-2021 Categories: • Nutrition and gastroenterology
Setting up a sexual health service: 'We wanted to be a forward-thinking pharmacy' ... ew and it’s more interactive with patients. Sometimes the role of the pharmacist can be stuck behind the counter, checking prescriptions - so it can be nice to step out, interact, and use some of the clinical knowledge we’ve learned along our journey. Date: 20-03-2020 Categories: • Clinical Ambassadors • Women's health
GPs reluctant to give practice pharmacists control of prescribing decisions, study finds ... saying they valued and welcomed pharmacist’s knowledge of medicines. Especially around areas they felt less skilled in such as chronic disease management. ‘... they [pharmacists] have such a good clinical knowledge and they also have that kind of pharmacological knowledge … I just think as a GP you can’t possibly know all of those things,’ said one GP.  Lead author and a GP and National Institute for He ... Date: 12-02-2020 Categories: • Latest News • News
How we set up a back pain service in our pharmacy ... it allows you to offer far more clinical services. I find it helps me keep my knowledge up. Because we offer so many PGDs, every time I'm unsure, I read NICE guidelines. As a result, you have deeper clinical knowledge. Read more case studies on pain management services. Date: 04-02-2020 Categories: • Musculoskeletal and rheumatology
Independent review: Melatonin should not be prescribed for jet lag ... hen travelling eastwards. Data from, which analyses NHS data, shows a steady increase in prescriptions in the past few years - although the drug is also used for insomnia. A clinical knowledge summary by the National Institute for health and Care Excellence on jet lag that was updated in 2019 - but before melatonin was marketed for the treatment of jet lag - did not recommend its use. Date: 20-01-2020 Categories: • Clinical • News
Early career pharmacist framework to support ‘flexible’ working across sectors ... te the value of pharmacy’ to the public and other healthcare professionals. The remaining attributes that a foundation pharmacist should demonstrate, according to the framework, are: Applying clinical knowledge and skills Giving person-centred care Evidence-informed decision-making Collaborative working Communication and consultation skills Professional accountability Education, research a ... Date: 18-11-2019 Categories: • News
Everything you need to know about the new community pharmacist consultation service ... ld ensure they have up-to-date knowledge and understanding of minor conditions, the law around emergency supply of prescription only medicines (POMs), how to identify ‘red flags’ as set out in NICE’s clinical knowledge summaries and how to refer patients on as appropriate. A self-assessment framework has been provided to help pharmacists identify any gaps in their knowledge, but completing it is not mandatory. ... Date: 02-09-2019 Categories: • Analysis • News • Services
June pre-reg exam skewed towards hospital pharmacy, say students ... es, as “this added unexpected pressure, leading to decisions that are not realistic or representative of real life”.’ The BPSA added that candidates felt the exam was ‘a test of speed rather than… clinical knowledge and competency’. Last year, the student body similarly reported that students felt the June 2018 assessment was ‘not a true nor accurate reflection of real-life practice’.   ‘Distracted ... Date: 12-08-2019 Categories: • News
‘Checking monkeys’? The pressures of community pharmacy have chained me to the dispensing bench ... are chained to the dispensing bench.  Meanwhile, we could be replaced by dispensing robots and in the meantime, there are the locums who are demanding work with nothing more to contribute. Our clinical knowledge is further mocked by NHS England and a Government that only seems to have a long-term plan for so-called clinical pharmacists. Their lack of foresight has condemned community pharmacy. Meanwhile, ... Date: 01-03-2019 Categories: • Opinion • Views
How to set up a weight-management service in your pharmacy ... ly important that the broader teams understands the soft skills around those conversations,’ says Ms Morris. ‘If you’re offering [a service] under a PGD, you need to have the appropriate training and clinical knowledge and be really confident of the eligibility criteria.’   Mr Phillips says this ties in to the idea of pharmacy being part of a public-health network. ‘We’ve always had very strong links wit ... Date: 21-11-2018 Categories: • Latest News • More News • News
What you need to know about headlice ... tion leaflets   NHS Choices. Head lice and nits   NICE clinical knowledge Summaries. Head lice   Patient UK. Head lice - professional information   Patient UK. Head lice - ... Date: 16-07-2018 Categories: • Clinical
What you need to know about colic in infants ... pecial formula milk for colic from the products available, but counter assistants will need to refer patients to either the pharmacist or a pharmacy technician to make the recommendation. The NICE clinical knowledge summary (CKS) for infantile colic advises that parents should be reassured that colic is a common problem that should resolve itself by six months of age. The healthcare professional should advise on ... Date: 27-03-2018 Categories: • Clinical
Why more pharmacists are being affected by mental health conditions ... ff where I worked to be very insensitive to others’ emotions and concerns,’ he explains. ‘When I locum in the community, I’m in charge of up to six or seven people at a time who have nowhere near the clinical knowledge I have. ‘This means I have to take all clinical decisions on my own. I have experienced dispensing staff trying to urge me to just dispense or give something out because it’ll keep the patient hap ... Date: 14-12-2017 Categories: • Latest News • Mental health and addiction • News
5 clinical considerations for your pharmacy's travel clinic ... see here) so that they can profit from this trend. Not only does community pharmacy offer patients the convenience of being able to receive their vaccinations in their local area, but pharmacists’ clinical knowledge means that your business can become a one-stop-shop for all the advice patients need before they embark on their travels. Pharmacists must be trained before they administer travel vaccines. Differ ... Date: 16-08-2017 Categories: • Clinical • News • Travel health • Vaccinations and infections
Managing atopic eczema in community pharmacy ... Good resources for patients: •NHS Choices •The British Skin Foundation •NICE’s clinical knowledge Summaries!prescribinginfosub:8 •The NICE pathway on eczema pathways. References 1 Acta Derm Venereol 1993 Feb; 73:62-3, abstract at ... Date: 06-03-2017 Categories: • Clinical • Dermatology and wound care • News
Pharmacists need to stop complaining and use their business expertise if they want to thrive ... ould say that we are ‘experts in medicines’, but it is time for us to use that knowledge to become ‘experts in care’. Community pharmacy must be the career of choice for pharmacists, stretching their clinical knowledge and fulfilling their ambition to care for people. With the focus on dispensing falling, there is an ideal opportunity to change pharmacy for the better. There is undoubtedly a lot to do, but for many ... Date: 31-10-2016 Categories: • Views
Dementia on the agenda for pharmacists ... ementia friendly’ pharmacy • Provide accurate, written advice about medication, including how often and how much to take, possible side effects and any action that can minimise them. • Ensuring clinical knowledge of dementia treatments is accurate and up to date. • Awareness of medication that could aggravate dementia. This includes treatments with anticholinergic actions such as antihistamines and antidep ... Date: 04-04-2016 Categories: • Latest News • News
Easing arthritis pain ... d against the benefits and discussed in the context of the individual patient's circumstances." Further advice on the prescribing issues surrounding oral and topical NSAIDs is available on the NHS clinical knowledge Summaries website[7]. It also advises paracetamol and/or topical NSAIDs as a first line treatment and only recommends oral NSAIDs or Coxibs if the above are ineffective and then only if prescribed wi ... Date: 01-05-2009 Categories: • OTC
For want of a placebo ... ailable that costs the NHS nothing, can usually normalise blood sugars within a few days (even in long standing diabetes) and in most cases actually put type 2 diabetes into remission. This important clinical knowledge is virtually unknown because in this instance, it is impossible to design a placebo controlled study. Even thorough research of existing literature will be futile, since the information will usually ... Date: 29-04-2009 Categories: • OTC

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