A partnership between Newcastle GP Services and Newcastle University’s School of Pharmacy has seen the launch of a community health bus, providing the city’s residents with a range of healthcare services.
The purpose-built bus will be visiting a variety of locations in the city, staffed by registered nurses, Newcastle pharmacy students and Northumbria University nursing students.
The focus for the service is tackling health inequalities and making healthcare and health information more accessible in the city. Services include blood pressure checks, cholesterol monitoring, diabetes advice, community pharmacy onwards referral, and health signposting for adults aged 18 and over.
Dr Hamde Nazar, senior lecturer at Newcastle University School of Pharmacy, said: ‘This is a great initiative. Undergraduate students have this opportunity to practise the skills they’ll be needing in their future careers, work within a multidisciplinary team, and provide services to local communities that need them most.’
Emily Maughan, head of clinical services at Newcastle GP Services, said she was ‘really excited to get out and about and on the road’.
She added: ‘We’re incredibly pleased to be working with Newcastle University School of Pharmacy on our community health services, with the help of Newcastle City Council, Northumbria University and lots of other charities and groups in the city.
‘It’s a great example of how organisations are working together to keep the people of Newcastle healthy and well.’
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