In the third installment of a six-part series, consultancy company Pharmacy Complete give you all the information you need to become a Healthy Living Pharmacy in just six weeks

Four weeks to go

In our third HLP Countdown update, now with just 4 weeks to go, there are some important local considerations to review and develop.

Start outside of your pharmacy to identify local health needs and engage with local GPs and other providers. Then think about what you can achieve inside your pharmacy with a Health Promotion Zone.

If you are worried that you are behind review our HLP Countdown materials and get in touch if you need specific advice and guidance.

Key actions this week:

  1. Review local health needs and download information for your portfolio

Put together a Health Promotion Zone in your pharmacy - 
Resource: Health Promotion Zone Guidance
. When registered click on Training Documents and scroll to HLP support documents

  3. Engage locally with other providers of healthcare
  4. Do your research for where you can signpost people needing extra support
  5. Support and encourage your Health Champions to complete their training

You can see an overview of the process and what you need to do to get there from our HLP Countdown page.