In the fourth installment of a six-part series, consultancy company Pharmacy Complete give you all the information you need to become a Healthy Living Pharmacy in just six weeks

Three weeks to go

In our fourth HLP Countdown update, we cover some important steps now that we are getting closer to the Quality Payments Scheme claim deadline.

This week, you need to think about supporting your Health Champion with their learning while ensuring you have the assessment planned, requested, completed and returned in time for marking by the Royal Society for Public Health.

Continue to gather evidence in your portfolio and coach your team on engaging with the public around their health.

Well done for getting this far; you are nearly there. If you need any more specific support or you are struggling in a particular area connect with us and we'll support you personally.

Key actions this week:

  1. Support your Health Champion through to their assessment: this must be done under exam conditions, so plan to do it when both the invigilator and candidate can be together uninterrupted for up to 45 minutes.

If you have used our Health Champion programme, then you must now request the invigilation pack, which includes the formal assessment that should be undertaken and returned with all the completed papers to us by 27th October.
  3. Continue to gather evidence in your portfolio - 
Resource: Complete HLP Pack

  4. Coach your team on engaging with the public around key health topics and sensitive issues - 
Resource: Championing Health Cards Complete Pack.
  5. Take stock of where you are with your team and celebrate your progress so far


You can see an overview of the process and what you need to do to get there from our HLP Countdown page.