No agreement on the community pharmacy contractual framework for this financial year can be reached until after the general election and the appointment of new government ministers, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has said.

But the negotiator added that it 'will be a priority to work at pace with the government to resolve negotiations' and address issues facing the community pharmacy sector following the election.

And in the meantime, discussions 'can continue' and the negotiator is 'committed to building cross party support for the sector', Janet Morrison, CPE chief executive said.

'Government purdah effectively began as soon as the Prime Minister announced the general election. Whilst discussions can continue no formal agreement can be reached until after the election and new ministers are appointed,' she added.

'Current funding levels remain critical. CPE is committed to building cross party support for the sector and the vital role it plays in every community. It has been positive this weekend to hear manifesto pledges for community pharmacy, and politicians recognising the huge challenges faced by the sector. It will be a priority to work at pace with the government to resolve negotiations and address these issues following the election.'

The Scottish government and community pharmacy negotiator have also confirmed to The Pharmacist that the community pharmacy contract in Scotland will not be announced until after the election, although negotiations are ongoing.

The last community pharmacy contract in England was a fixed five-year deal running from April 2019 to March 2024.

And a one-year interim agreement was expected to be agreed for this financial year, owing to the general election.