Community Pharmacy Scotland (CPS) is asking pharmacies to take part in a trial to test out a new digital hypertension app.
The new app, which CPS created in partnership with DHI and Cohesion, will begin trials in pharmacies from 2 August.
In a video, published on its website yesterday (23 June), the body called for a minimum of 50 pharmacies across Scotland to participate in the service, with the hope of recruiting 250.
Pharmacies that choose to participate will be supplied with a Bluetooth-enabled blood pressure monitor to record readings.
CPS said that all results will be anonymised at ‘this stage’ of the project.
‘We will also create dummy patient details so that the blood pressure readings are not attached to an identifiable person. This will allow us to test the pharmacy and patient-facing interfaces of the app,’ they body said on its website.
‘Cohesion have also agreed to do the procuring and storage of the blood pressure monitoring devices in advance of starting in August,’ it added.
Of those pharmacies who volunteer to trial the device, 10-15 will also be asked to provide feedback so that the app can be amended as improvements are identified.
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