Pharmacy and GP teams will be expected to use a new website to order personal protective equipment (PPE), the Government has announced.  

The new website, which will be available to pharmacy teams from next week (7 March), allows health and care staff to view order limits and track deliveries of PPE.  

The website is meant to be more user friendly than the current portal and will be run by the NHS supply chain.  

The Government said: ‘There is an ongoing migration period from the previous system to the new platform, and from 4 April 2022, all customers will be automatically redirected to the new PPE portal from the previous site. 

‘Eligible users have been emailed about their transfer to the new platform and communication will continue over the coming weeks,’ it added.  

Last month, it was announced that all health and social care staff, including community pharmacies, will be eligible to receive free PPE from the Government until 31 March 2023.  

This decision came after the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) ran a consultation in October to determine whether centrally provided PPE should end as planned in March this year, or be extended.