Support Your Local Pharmacy website goes live
A website to share information about the proposed 6% cut to community pharmacy with patients and the public has been launched.
The national bodies representing community pharmacy have published in the hope it will act as a hub for information and updates.
The website is amongst the early outputs of a joint communications programme being pursued by the National Pharmacy Association, the Company Chemists Association, the Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies, Pharmacy Voice and the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee.
I feel a campaign coming on to give pharmacist more responsibilities and take some of the pressure off GPs. Who's with me?! ?
— Dr Christian Jessen (@DoctorChristian) February 2, 2016
Your local community pharmacy is under threat -
— Nick Hunter (@NickHunter19) February 3, 2016
Boots bows to ‘sexist’ price row with cheaper women’s razors
Boots became the first high street retailer to bow to pressure over “sexist pricing” yesterday by announcing that it would cut the cost of some products marketed at women, The Times reports.
The company said it had “never operated a pricing system that discriminates against women” but that its review had found that the cost of its own-brand razors and eye cream for women “did not reflect our standards”.
It charges £9.99 for women’s eye cream but £7.29 for the equivalent male product.
A packet of eight women’s razors costs £2.29 but men can get 10 for £1.49.
Boots has revised pricing for some products aimed at women following complaints about sexism in pricing
— Mallen Baker (@mallenbaker) February 3, 2016
Thieves steal from Derbyshire pharmacy
A man and woman are being hunted by police after stealing a number of medical creams from a pharmacy in Derbyshire, The Star reports.
The couple entered Lloyds Pharmacy on Main Road, Hathersage, and began looking around the store.
But once they left the store, the shop assistant noticed that part of a shelf was empty and a number of pharmacy creams had been taken.
Plans for Widnes medical centre in Upton Rocks due for decision
Proposals for a new medical centre in a Widnes neighbourhood are due to be given the green light, the Liverpool Echo reports.
Halton Council’s development control committee has been recommended to approve plans for the two-storey facility on land opposite Motherwell Close in Lanark Gardens in Upton Rocks.
The proposal said the site was just north of a My Local store, between an access road and a Morris Homes development.
PROPOSALS: Plans for Widnes medical centre in Upton Rocks due for decision:
— Weekly News (@WidnesRuncornWN) February 3, 2016
Local people urged to avail of free diabetes testing
Here are an estimated 549,000 people in the UK who have diabetes, but have not yet been diagnosed, the Ulster Herald reports.
This week, a partnership between Omagh Lions Club and Bradley’s Pharmacy is offering local people a chance to be tested for the condition.
With many afraid to go to their GP for a diabetes test, the Omagh Lions Club with Bradley’s Pharmacy are offering free blood glucose testing which could detect the early signs of the condition.
This initiative is part of the Lions Club’s World Health Programme, which has placed importance on taking action against diabetes.
Local people urged to avail of free diabetes testing -
— Ulster Herald (@Ulster_Herald) February 3, 2016
Celesio buys Bupa Home Healthcare
Celesio has acquired the domiciliary care division of Bupa, Bupa Home Healthcare, for an undisclosed sum, Health Investor reports.
Bupa Home Healthcare has proved problematic for Bupa’s balance sheet in the past with the company writing £32.8 million off its value in 2013 due to low public sector fees.
Bupa Home Healthcare treats over 35,000 patients a year.
BREAKING NEWS: Bupa finalises sale of Home Healthcare business to Celesio @celesiouk @BupaUK #carehomes #healthcare
— Care Home Pro (@carehomepro) February 3, 2016
These are the early warning signs of cancer you may not know about
More than half of all British people ignore "red flag" symptoms that may show they have cancer, the Independent reports.
Some of the potential early warning signs of cancer include:
- A persistent cough or hoarseness, a lump, diarrhoea or constipation
- Unexplained weight loss or a sore that does not heal
- Blood in vomit, urine or faeces, bleeding between periods
- A feeling of not having fully emptied your bowels after going to the toilet are other signs
- Moles with an irregular shape or jagged edges should be checked by a GP.
Its #world cancer day, these are early warning signs to know about:
— Life Fitness (@LifeFitnessUK) February 4, 2016
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