The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) is searching for candidates for its looming board election.
NPA members have until noon on Friday 23 February to nominate a candidate for the upcoming board of management elections.
They will be able to do so by returning the nomination forms they have received by the given deadline.
Current members step down
Current members on the board are expected to step down on Saturday 31 March, while elections will take place several weeks later, with the ballot closing at 12noon on Friday 6 April.
Members of the new board will be announced on Tuesday 10 April.
Preserving pharmacy's interests
Being part of the NPA board means ensuring that the 'interest of independent community pharmacy owners are safeguarded, to benefit both patients and communities', said the NPA.
An NPA spokesman said: ‘Board members are expected to contribute to debate in sharing ideas and deliver fresh thinking throughout the period of their service.
‘In addition to board meetings, board members also participate in standing committees and/or working groups of the board.
‘Overall, the remit is to ensure that the NPA is advancing the interests of independent community pharmacy owners, to the benefit ultimately of patients and communities.’
Any NPA member can stand for nomination but candidates have to keep in mind that this is a voluntary part-time role to which they are required to commit to around four days per month.
The new board will first meet on Monday 23 April.
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