Pharmacist Support has appointed a new chief executive, replacing Diane Leicester-Hallam – who stepped down from her position in September 2018.
Danielle Hunt, who is currently operations director at the charity Keep Britain Tidy, will join Pharmacist Support on 23 January.
Experienced leader
Ms Hunt brings with her leadership experience she has acquired while working in the charity sector. She has played a central role in leading Keep Britain Tidy from a mainly Government-funded to an entirely self-funded independent charity in less than a decade and helped raised millions through fundraising and service contracts.
She said: ‘I’m incredibly excited to be joining Pharmacist Support – leading the charity through its next phase of development. The charity has achieved a huge amount in the last ten years, and this work has never been so important.
‘I look forward to working with the staff, volunteers, the board of trustees and others in the sector to develop the organisation and ensure we continue to support pharmacists and their families in the best way possible.'
Commenting on Ms Hunt’s appointment, Pharmacist Support trustee board chair Steve Lutener said: ‘We are delighted to welcome Danielle to Pharmacist Support.
‘The charity has undergone a period of significant growth over the past 10 years and Danielle’s experience will ensure that the profession’s independent charity continues to move forward with confidence. She has proven leadership qualities and service development expertise which will prove invaluable in the future.’
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