The Pharmacist Support charity will launch its annual fundraising campaign on 25 September.

This year’s campaign has been rebadged as ‘TEAMGreen’ and aims to ‘bring the pharmacy community together’ to raise funds for the charity, which has not been able to carry out most of its usual fundraising activities as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The campaign will run until 31 October and pharmacies can download a free fundraising pack, and other resources, on the charity’s website.

Danielle Hunt, Pharmacist Support’s chief executive, said: ‘We, like many charities across the world right now, are having to find new ways to deliver our support to ensure that the people who need us are not cut off from help when they need it the most.

‘Additionally, we are having to find new ways to engage donors and generate income that don’t rely on face to face activities, large scale events or gatherings.’

According to the charity, 71% of the pharmacists it supports had identified poor mental health as a core challenge facing the sector even before the pandemic, and 61% had expressed a need for support with stress at work.

Ms Hunt added that the charity’s support was needed ‘now more than ever’.

‘We’ve seen how recent events have impacted our pharmacy family on the front line and have worked hard over the past six months to ensure no one has to face challenging times without us by their side,’ she said.

‘Here at Pharmacist Support we champion the wellbeing of our pharmacy family and believe that by bringing people together we can create positive impact. By joining TEAMGreen and fundraising as an individual or as a group, people can raise vital funds while hopefully having some fun too.’

The launch of the campaign coincides with World Pharmacists Day.