The UK’s largest online pharmacy, Pharmacy2U, has joined the Company Chemists’ Association (CCA), it has been announced.

The news follows the online pharmacist’s acquisition of LloydsDirect, as reported last week.

Malcolm Harrison, chief executive of the CCA, said he was ‘delighted’ to welcome Pharmacy2U to the association.

‘Several of our members already operate their own distance selling pharmacies (DSPs), so having the largest DSP in England join the CCA is a natural fit,’ he added.

Pharmacy2U was established in 1999. Specialising in repeat dispensing, its centralised and automated dispensing hubs serve over 750,000 patients across England.

Chief executive Kevin Heath said: ‘The CCA does a commendable job in representing multiple pharmacy organisations of all shapes and sizes.

‘I am looking forward to meeting the CCA’s broader membership in the coming weeks and months, and sharing our own insights as to how the pharmacy sector can deliver for patients now and in the future.’

Mr Heath added: ‘I am confident that, as part of the CCA, we will be able to play an even greater role in ensuring the pharmacy sector is able to cope with – and even thrive against – the growing demands placed upon it.’