The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has launched a new inclusion and diversity programme, it announced today (21 August).
The programme will be led by Asif Sadiq MBE, who is currently head of diversity, inclusion and belonging for The Telegraph.
Mr Sadiq has over 15 years’ experience in the field and previously held similar positions at EY Financial Services and the City of London Police.
A new strategy for pharmacy inclusion and diversity will be published next year, the membership body said.
RPS president Sandra Gidley said: ‘As the professional body, we want to recognise, celebrate and encourage all voices and experiences across pharmacy so we can better represent our membership and pharmacists everywhere. Championing the profession through the lens of inclusion and diversity is central to this ambition.
‘Asif’s appointment is a significant milestone for the programme and I’m delighted to have him leading and informing the development of our inclusion and diversity strategy.’
‘A sense of belonging for all’
Mr Sadiq said: ‘I am honoured to be part of this journey that the RPS is embarking on. I look forward to supporting such an important piece of work that will further embed the great work of the RPS in supporting all its members through creating a sense of belonging for all.’
The RPS will launch a profession-wide survey on inclusion and diversity ‘in the next few weeks’, said Robbie Turner, director of pharmacy and member experience and executive sponsor of the programme.
He added: ‘One of the most important parts of this work is ensuring our members and the wider profession have plenty of opportunities to contribute to make sure that our strategy is truly co-created.’
This year’s national RPS conference on 17 November will include a session on inclusion and diversity to allow members to contribute further.
The membership body had an official presence at Pride in London for the first time this year and will support Woman in Leadership and Black History Month with upcoming events, a spokesperson added.
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