Pharmacists have taken to Twitter in protest over bad stock photos of their peers wearing white coats and stethoscopes among glaring blunders.
The outraged community expressed its anger and anguish over terrible stock photos representing them, using the hashtag #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob on the social media platform.
The wave of rebellion comes after pharmacists have finally had enough of seeing themselves pictured with their arms crossed, wearing white lab coats and constantly smiling at medication boxes.
'I can't deal with the flaws'
In one case, the experience was so traumatising that one pharmacist said their brain could not 'deal with all the flaws' anymore.
As if the hundreds of stock photos of pharmacists in white coats was bad enough... Is this what people think ‘pharmacy’ looks like??? My brain 🧠 just can’t deal with all the flaws. Hands up, who’s used a counting clipboard before?? #pharmacist #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob
— Helen Kilminster (@HPILLminster) May 17, 2018
What's with all the white coats?
A common frustration was the proliferation of stock photos of pharmacists wearing white coats – despite not being worn by UK pharmacists in years.
And I ALWAYS wear a white coat and carry a stethoscope around my neck to help me dispense!
Nothing wrong in that, big thumbs up!
— Garry McDonald (@Garry42779) May 18, 2018
Why so happy?
Other pharmacists picked up on how many stock photo pharmacists seem to really enjoy looking at medication boxes.
We all wear white lab coats & like smiling at medication boxes. You will find my colleagues and I often staring at a clipboard looking quite perplexed... oh and yes..I hold capsules/tablets in my hand whilst counting them one by one #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob #pharmacist 💊🤦🏻♀️
— Amani El-Bushra (@Amani_Elbushra) May 17, 2018
Something to hide?
And here's yet another photo of a pharmacist wearing the dreaded white coat.
It’s this one! Gets me every time! #badstockphotosofmyjob
— Helen Kilminster (@HPILLminster) May 18, 2018
Pharmacists deserved to be taken seriously and respected.
We're calling on stock photo agencies to review their standards and strongly recommend them to visit a pharmacy to get a better idea of what a pharmacist really looks like.
We'll leave you with this bad stock photo
#badstockphotosofmyjob I understand complex pharmacology, but lack basic hand hygiene skills. #pharmacists
— Tania Mysak (@martantomkat) May 10, 2018
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