Superdrug has lowered the price of two emergency contraception pills.
From Thursday (3 February), patients were able to purchase Ezinelle (levonorgestrel) or generic Levonorgestrel morning after products for £9.99 in Superdrug, reduced from a previous price of £13.49.
This comes as Boots UK confirmed last week that it would sell generic emergency contraception for £10, and that the pricing for branded products will also be reduced in line with other high street retailers.
Superdrug said it is ‘continuously reviewing its pricing to ensure it’s providing accessible healthcare to all’.
Superdrug was the first high street retailer to launch a generic emergency hormonal contraceptive pill in June 2017.
LloydsPharmacy also currently sells Levonorgestrel for £10, according to its website.
The price drops have come after a group of Labour MPs, campaigners and health bodies called on Boots UK to reduce the price of its emergency hormonal contraception (EHC).
Commenting on the news that Boots UK has dropped its pricing, Professor Claire Anderson, Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) president said she was ‘supportive’ of ‘any initiative that improves access to emergency contraception’.
She added: ‘Cost is a barrier to accessing medicines, and for that reason, we would like to see all community pharmacies in Great Britain able to supply emergency contraception free through the NHS.
‘NHS Emergency contraception services have been available free through pharmacies in Scotland and Wales for some time and we would like to see that replicated across the whole of the country so women get better access, regardless of their ability to pay.’
Clare Murphy, chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) , said: ‘We are delighted that Boots are doing the right thing by women and providing emergency contraception at a significantly more affordable price, and we applaud their decision.
‘The end of the grossly sexist surcharge on emergency contraception, involving a huge mark up on a product only women need, is a victory.’
In 2017, BPAS received a legal warning from Boots UK after asking the pharmacy to cut the cost of EC amid claims that British women are forced to pay up to five times more than those in Europe for the contraceptive.
The charity had set up a campaign to encourage customers to directly email employees of Boots to complain regarding the lack of an affordable option for emergency contraceptives, which is available at other pharmacies.
In 2018, Boots UK reduced the price of its generic brand of levonorgestrel from £26.75 to £15.99.
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