Aimed at creating 'a space for focused public awareness' to help people 'understand more fully the community pharmacy offer', the next Ask Your Pharmacist Week has been announced.
'AYP Week, held every year across the UK, aims both to raise awareness of pharmacy services and to prompt conversations with key stakeholders at a local level about community pharmacy’s role and benefits', the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) explained, announcing that the next AYP Week will be held from 31 October to 7 November.
Activities in previous years have ranged from public exhibitions and window posters to social media campaigns, projects with patient groups and visits to pharmacies from local dignitaries and politicians.
NPA's Stephen Fishwick said: 'AYP Week is an important fixture in the pharmacy calendar, as it creates a space for focused public awareness activities to help customers, patients and stakeholders understand more fully the community pharmacy offer.
'We want people to be more aware of long-standing and new NHS services, plus the skills and expertise on offer in pharmacies across the UK.'
He said AYP Week aims to 'cultivate a richer dialogue' with key stakeholders, which in England now include leaders in Integrated Care Systems.
More details will be published soon, NPA said, and has asked any NPA member or pharmacy stakeholders wishing to get involved to email Mr Fishwick at [email protected].
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