Embarking upon its third century, Colgate-Palmolive is a global company operating in more than 200 countries and territories. Dedicated to oral health, Colgate cultivates close relationships with professionals, international experts and academic institutions to deliver the most innovative products and up to date scientific research to meet the evolving needs of dental professionals, pharmacists and their patients.
Colgate’s commitment to oral health extends beyond its quality products. As a specialist in preventive oral care, Colgate provides continuing professional development to the profession, ongoing health education for consumers and dental students, and participates in events for the dental profession and pharmacies.
Colgate carries out extensive research and development in state-of-the-art facilities, and conducts clinical trials to support its efficacious product range.
As the number one toothpaste manufacturer in the UK, we are in the business of preventing tooth decay, and have a long standing track record in promoting oral health, offering educational resources along with a range of expert patient education and training materials.
Colgate’s success is built on valued, long term, trust based relationships, with partners such as the Department of Health, the Dental Profession, Pharmacy Profession and the communities we live and work in, and, of course, our consumers.
For more information on Colgate and its products and services, please visit our professional website www.colgateprofessional.co.uk or call our professional relations department on 01483 401901
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