Braemar Finance, a direct lender to the profession provides loans that are designed to assist with the growth and development of your pharmacy business.
As your business grows you may need assistance with the acquisition or relocation of a practice, a shop fitting revamp, or simply additional dispensing and display units. You may need funding for a consultation area or simply a loan to assist with your tax bill.
We have a nationwide team of finance specialists who will offer you the most tax efficient finance solution available whilst taking your personal tax and VAT status into consideration.
We fund
Equipment, IT solutions, shop fitting and vehicles
We provide
Business, practice, personal and tax loans
Our hire purchase, leasing and loan products allow for fixed monthly repayments, enabling you to budget whilst assisting your cash flow.
The Braemar underwriters can provide a quick decision on your finance application and deal with multiple suppliers on your behalf, allowing you to concentrate on your day to day business.
To find out more contact us on 0845 619 1531 or visit
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