Dollar Rae have a great track record and reputation for delivering complete and compelling retail pharmacy design solutions with outstanding results.
The marketplace sits up and takes notice of a Dollar Rae-designed community pharmacy.
As leading specialists in the field, we have a deep understanding of the sector and our fingers are on the pulse of the changes it is experiencing. Likewise, we know exactly what’s involved in creating pharmacies which work functionally, aesthetically and commercially - for now and for the future.
With experience and expertise accumulated over more than 70 years, the Dollar Rae team are uniquely qualified to provide fresh, original and practical solutions to community pharmacists keen to embrace change and opportunity.
Whether it’s providing fast dispensing, an enhanced service like an MUR, a display of public health information, or lifestyle advice, a Dollar Rae-designed pharmacy is always fit for purpose, future-proofed for emerging opportunities, user-friendly, and invested with a unique, distinctive and professional image. Its ability to engage with patients is facilitated by intelligent planning, space allocation and expert design. What also unites them all is visual energy and style, competitive edge, loyal customers, ability to maintain and build market share, and the aura of success.
Our success is built on valued, long-term, collaborative partnerships with new and existing clients who’d rather have real value than false economy. Who’d rather work with a team of talented professionals who really believe in pushing creative boundaries to fulfil client goals and user needs. Our levels of repeat business reflect and demonstrate the benefits to be gained by pharmacy owners embedding Dollar Rae’s growth-oriented turnkey design solutions into their business.
For more information on Dollar Rae and the kind of services that turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, please call us on 0141 649 9331 or visit
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