Leading Brands In Health & Beauty
Formed in 1963, Murrays has become a market leader in the distribution of health and beauty accessories throughout the UK and Ireland. We are proud to supply some of the biggest names in pharmacy, plus leading high street chains. Our customer portfolio includes Asda, Rowlands Pharmacy, The Co-operative, Superdrug, KiddiCare, Next, TK Maxx and Boots.
With a worldwide sourcing infrastructure, strong product and packaging design capability. We enjoy bringing quality health and beauty products to market.
Our Brands include…
- Safe & Sound Health (+ Travel)
- Cassandra Hot Water Bottles
- Miners Cosmetics
- Murrays Manicure
- Sanjo Beauty Bags
- Junior Macare Baby
- Head Girl Hair Accessories
- Meridiana Bathroom Accessories
We also distribute third party bands including…
- Philips AVENT
- Philips Batteries
- Philips Sonicare
- Philips LifeStyle
- Montagne Jeunesse
- Linziclip
- Mason Pearson
- Pharmaceutical Packaging
Please visit our website to find out more, www.murrayshealthandbeauty.com
School Lane
Chandlers Ford
S053 4YN
Tel: +44 [0] 23 8046 0600
Fax: +44 [0] 23 8046 0601
Email: [email protected]
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